Become the successful mom everyone's* been talking about: Blog, then zine, then rant, then share it with the world to become a successful mom-author and enjoy accolades heaped upon applause engorged by bon mots! Oy. I haven't even figured out how to make a new paragraph on Blogger without accidentally deleting something; how the hell am I supposed to convey my thoughts about myself and my wee world when I am totally outshone by so many successful mama writers that precede me? I'm relatively new to this world of electronic whining and already I'm fitting in by complaining about what I don't know and how what I don't know is making so many others successful.
Is blogging about your daily life the new way to make it big? Is this the last (or at least the newest) refuge of the stay-at-home mom/hausfrau/hip mama? Do I need to outwit the wittiest breeder of the bunch to stay on top of the mamablogs? I'm awash in despair with the possibilities of prose that has already been written. The blank screen is not as bad as the blank page--it's worse. On paper (or papyrus or grocery receipt or napkin or back of your hand), you control your little creative universe and the gargantuan beastie of fear that resides in the back of your amygdala (the one that tells you: it's been done, you're a failure, no one will read this pap anyway). Online, it's out there. It ain't coming back. As Sally so wisely said to Harry: "'s already out there. You can't take it back." Brave pap, smarmy crap, yap, yap, yap. I'm so afraid to continue this sentence that I'm actually listening closely for the blog b.s. detectors at the door.
I'll have to continue this when I get a chance to summon my remaining courage. Perhaps after a brownie.
*everyone: i.e., me and a bunch of other mamas looking for commonality in our hippy-crunchy attachment parenting ways.