Sunday, December 16, 2012

Me, I Want Some Glitter Glue...

My last 2 pennies for the night:
I haven't done any Christmas shopping. I don't imagine I will do any, really, beyond purchasing a wooden puzzle for Bea (she's wanted it for a while) and something small for Sebastian. I've been sort of scanning myself for guilt about this and I can't seem to find a drop of it. I HAVE been hearing, however, pressing, nervous voices from others around me about "getting gifts for the family", "give us your lists", and "aren't you going to buy your husband anything??" I can honestly say that I'm not bothered by any of this, even though the buzz these comments give off is getting louder by the day.

I've been busy--heck, this whole family has been busy--and we're really quite financially tied down by an unpaid internship that has kept all our spending tightly in check. We have a tree that grows in a pot, year after year, that we decorate w/handmade ornaments. We used scraps of craft foam to make bizarre little alien mistletoe and it looks awesome (glitter glue is sublime, really). I plan on engaging in some furious gift-baking for a few folks that come through on cloudy days and some cheap wine for those few that never come through but expect a gift because of their family status. As for presents for my kids? They get me, covered in paint and flour and chocolate (and glitter glue) as we craft our Christmas on the cheap this year and they get it.
 The above picture was taken 2 years ago, when we decided to spend a little dough on Christmas...At Goodwill.