"Let the great experiment begin!" --Tobias Funke
We've officially begun potty training (pee training, really, as Sea Bass is already poo-trained) in a flurry of new (Thomas) train undies, bribery, stickers, a potty poster (which will receive aforementioned stickers), and a promise of delightful prizes to come to he who can remain dry sans-diaper. So far, so good; the diaper is on during sleepy-time, but he doesn't seem to mind showing off his new knickers during the rest of the day. I hope this works.
In other news about my spawn:
Beet Rice is eating solid foods. Finally. She resisted all the usual, standard, bland baby fare for whatever we eat: tonight it was mixed-veggie quinoa risotto w/yogurt. She ate seconds.
Random details for you about me:
I've been going to the YMCA 2-3 times/week to ...sigh...(how I abhor the following phrase for its cliche) 'work out'. I found out I don't hate jogging as much as I thought I did, especially when doing it to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" soundtrack; it's incredibly humorous and po-mo to hear Tim Curry's vibrato trilling out "I Can Make You a Man" while watching the beefy weight lifters beside my treadmill lifting 50 lb. barbells above their heads in time with the beat of the song...It's all really surreal in that little, sweaty body factory in the basement of the Y...
More later, surely...I suppose I should try to find more readers for this silly enterprise.