Friday, July 2, 2010

Sticky Chunks for Selfish Reasons

This is the time of year when I begin to think about fall. 85 degrees, 70% humidity, children whining and expiring before my eyes due to excessive heat. I'm whining and expiring before YOUR very eyes! Actually, at this very moment, I'm hiding in our fairy room (for those of you unfamiliar to the fairy room, this is where all of mama & papa's special toys are kept--no, not those toys, you filthy beast! Sewing machine, printer, loads of cds, precarious books on perches, paints, needles, artwork, old journals, a shredder; ie, things that little hands should not touch).

This room--a sort of room of our own (mine and Michael's) will probably be forfeited to Beatrice, should we live here long enough; Sebastian's room is really the multi-purpose diaper-changing/sleep space/clothing storage area, but he doesn't seem to mind, as long as he has his fire fighter lamp...and his firetruck rug...and his world map...and his potty poster (stickers he earned for each successful pee trip when we were in training mode--or commode). I'm going to miss this room. When the sticky chunks from the children go flying, this is where I like to hide (usually with permission, so as not to leave Michael to simply track my dust cloud as I sprint away). Virginia had her own room, hell--so did Pandora--is it wrong to want to keep this room? A place for the holey shirts to collect, sadly awaiting mending; a refuge for the stuffed animals that have been bitten apart by a tiny teether; a landing strip for the airborne internet signal to alight; I shall miss them all dearly, should I sacrifice this space.

I've got a while yet; it's fortunate for me that Beatrice likes the taste of coffee (which is hopefully stunting her growth) and has a spirit for adventure; she might be content on a shelf, or perhaps in the hammock-shaped lens of the light fixture...