Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Talk Dirty to Me: Or, Mansplain Me to Save Me From Myself

"I've been everywhere, man..."
--Johnny Cash (song written by Geoff Mack, 1959)

New people have found their way into my life, and for all that it is or all that it may become, I choose to look at these new people as new friends. Some might become lovers, some might become acquaintances, and some may become...Well, weird.

As of late, after I disclosed a recent bout of mansplaining that came from one of the new people who found his way across my path, a very good friend pointed out to me that the activity of "mansplaining" is rampant lately, and in fact, she directed me to "Crap Email From a Dude", a regular blog column on Jezebel.com ("Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing.").

Before we read the latest pertinent article, let's note that urbandictionary.com defines mansplaining as:
"To explain in a patronizing manner, assuming total ignorance on the part of those listening. The mansplainer is often shocked and hurt when their mansplanation is not taken as absolute fact, criticized or even rejected altogether."

My mansplainer was a hit-and-run; the message was sent without so much as a moment's thought to his own actions; I don't doubt that he gave a giggle after he sent his missive, which informed me of so much that I didn't know about myself.

Now, I'm a lover and a fighter, but I know when to be safe and walk away; that's why I'm re-printing a very similar mansplained piece of writing that was published in jezebel.com, by Hortense Smith.  I wish my mansplainer well, and I honestly hope he finds true happiness with the submissive sweetheart he has always longed for (she just didn't know how lucky she was!), and I thank him from saving me another lifetime of telling me what is wrong with me (but I just didn't know it).


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Uncanny! Why can't they just let go? If the dude had let go of his comment and moved on to another topic, THAT would have been his chance to prove her wrong. But noooo, he had to keep going. Oh well: "When people show you who they are, believe them." (Maya Angelou)